Professional Headshot Photographer | Lancaster, PA

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Why You Hate Having Your Picture Taken and What to Do About It

“I hate having my picture taken.” I hear this a lot.  You may need to have your photo taken for one reason or another, but you'd rather jump off a cliff.

Some people might even prefer a visit to the dentist as opposed to visiting a headshot photographer to have their professional headshot taken.

Running for the hills is a common affliction known as (PAS) Picture Avoidance Syndrome. 

What is it about having your photo taken that is so painful?

A lot of the time, people claim to hate the way they look.  Body image is a hot topic.  The reality is you are who you are, and you look like YOU. There is no one else on Earth that looks like you, (unless you’re a twin). NEVER, consider your looks to be a flaw.

You might hate your nose because you think it is too long. Maybe you hate your lazy eye, or heavy eyelids. Some folks even have issues with the aging process, and can’t stand the bags under their eyes, or the wrinkles in their skin.

Take a look at the FedEx logo.  Can you locate the arrow?

I suppose you found it in the white space, right?  Was it difficult to locate?

Consider that you are actually the FedEx logo.  You have studied yourself for so long, that you will always find something that you hate or want changed, even if it is unnoticeable to others.

We are always our own worst critics, and we will always find things about ourselves that we’d like to change.

But, these things don’t need to be changed. They are unique to you, and make you who you are.  You may believe they are flaws, but no one else sees them and they don’t care about them.  So, stop FedEx-ing yourself!

As mentioned in my blog, PERCEIVED FLAWS AND SELF – ACCEPTANCE, society has jaded us!

We have become hyper-critical of our appearance. Advertisements would have us believe that true beauty is being rail thin, or having perfectly straight hair, or some other unrealistic standard. We degrade ourselves and kill ourselves over not measuring up. We obsess over everything: from diet to hitting the gym like maniacs, and we sometimes even seek surgical solutions.

Magazines and other media show models with flawless skin, perfect hair, outrageous bodies, etc. That doesn’t mean that everyone should desire or aspire to be like those models. These goals are not only unrealistic, but they paint a picture of what a few people THINK their readers/viewers want to see. This also removes a great deal of authenticity and masks the reality that the images seen have been processed.

If you truly hate having your headshot taken, the first thing to do is make sure that you aren’t trying to compare yourself or measure up to these unrealistic benchmarks.

One of the most beautiful individuals came to me for updated headshots, due to need not desire.  They were petrified over the notion of having their picture taken. They just couldn’t come to terms with the aging process.  After a few shed tears, some settling, and a little coaching, the experience and results changed how they felt about themselves. That was the most awe-inspiring experience of my life. I can't believe I was able to change how someone felt about themselves by delivering pictures and an incredible experience. 

Luckily, these experiences have become more frequent for me. And, the bright spot for me is positively affecting someone else’s life and self-perception.

People visit me in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to have their professional headshot taken, whether for acting, modeling, Conferences, trade shows, Linkedin profiles, marketing, websites, or any number of other reasons.

It is my privilege to create headshots that they can leverage for a greater degree of success in their careers.

A headshot session with me is a lot easier and painless than you think.

Trepidations tend to melt away when you are having a good time!

Another reason that you may hate having your photo taken might be that your prior experiences on that side of the camera were less than stellar. 

I truly believe that the onus is on the photographer to provide coaching, direction, and easy to follow directions, while making the experience enjoyable.

When it starts to feel like work, something has gone awry.

You want a relaxed, comfortable, and dynamic atmosphere, where the laughter is abundant, the images are authentic, and you are able to be yourself. This might be out of your control, since the headshot photographer typically sets the tone. But, doing your research into the quality of the images and whether you are likely to receive an incredible, first-rate experience, is helpful.

*Pro-tip: google reviews are helpful here. Read the reviews posted by past clients. You can learn a lot about your photographer this way.

When I discuss prior photography experiences with my clients, I am often told that I am the first photographer that has ever directed them, coached them, taught them, and made the experience so much fun that the images show them for who they really are.

While this is quite flattering, especially for my ego, the reality is that I make extraordinary headshots for extraordinary people. I have a vested interest in their success, and will do whatever is in my power to ensure that the images we create are the best they have ever seen.

Lastly, the results have to speak for themselves. 

Recently, I met a lady at a networking event. She was in the process of taking a selfie with a friend, but deleted every picture. I intervened and provided some quick guidance. 

She hated every picture she took and hated having her photo taken in general because she felt that she looked heavier than she actually was.

Employing my techniques, her face thinned out and she loved her new selfie. 

Later in the evening, she tracked me down to thank me for the tips. 

She has a different perspective now, especially since she learned a new way to position herself.  A little coaching from a professional goes a long way!

I coach and direct my clients into body positions and facial expressions that flatter them to convey their uniqueness, personal brand, confidence, and trustworthiness.

Do YOU hate having your picture taken?

I bet you could use a new headshot to help you as you reach for success.

If you really do hate having your picture taken, click the button, make your appointment, and get ready to have a great time!